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John Laesch for Mayor of Aurora, IL

Holiday Karaoke Fundraiser

Join Mayoral candidate John Laesch to celebrate the holidays with Karaoke, food, drinks and more! Meet us at Miss Lee’s (215 E Galena, Aurora) on Saturday, December 14th 4pm – 7pm.






Tickets are a suggested donation of $20 each which include appetizers and soft drinks or donate what you can. There will be a cash bar, silent auction and more. Pitch in $20 or more to help the next Mayor of Aurora!

RSVP or donate HERE

John Laesch for Mayor of Aurora, IL

John Laesch is known for his unwavering commitment to populist issues. With a strong focus on social justice, environmental sustainability, and inclusive policies, he seeks to lead Aurora toward a more equitable and forward-thinking future.