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John Laesch for Mayor of Aurora, IL

Early Voting Canvass!

Help us reach voters before mail-in-ballots are sent out.  We will be canvassing on Sunday, January 19th as well as making calls to voters who requested a mail-in ballot.  If this is the first time you are canvassing, we will pair you up with an experienced volunteer.  Materials, training and food will be provided.  Please RSVP for the shift that works best for you.

Sunday January 19th

Shift 1: 11am

Shift 2: 1pm

Shift 3: 3pm

Phone calls 5:30pm – 8pm


RSVP John Laesch 630-878-7454/johnforaurora@gmail.com

John Laesch for Mayor of Aurora, IL

John Laesch is known for his unwavering commitment to populist issues. With a strong focus on social justice, environmental sustainability, and inclusive policies, he seeks to lead Aurora toward a more equitable and forward-thinking future.